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The sport of horse racing has been around for centuries, and it continues to draw in enthusiasts from all over the world. While it may not be a prominent sport in Monaco, one group has made it their mission to support the industry, while also helping the underprivileged. The Monaco Sport of Kings group, founded by Princess Charlene’s father Mike Wittstock, recently showed their dedication to both horseracing and charitable causes by participating in the Royal Race Day in South Africa.

Darrell Hall Monaco Sport of Kings Group Support charities at Royal Race Day South Africa

Mike Wittstock, Darrell Hall and Stephen Stanway from the Monaco Sport of Kings Group Support charities at Royal Race Day South Africa

Representing the Monaco Sport of Kings group was Darrell Hall, who runs yacht brokerage YACHTZOO in Monaco. Although horseracing may not be a widespread pastime in Monaco, Hall was excited to show his support and be a part of such a significant event. “We don’t have much horseracing in Monaco, but as a South African to come here and support horseracing and the charities and the underprivileged is fantastic” Darrell said.

“I loved the enthusiasm and camaraderie, the crowds, the horses, jockeys, and meeting the most amazing people. We look forward to continuing our support from the Monaco Sport of Kings group.” said Darrell Hall.

The Royal Race Day in South Africa is not just a showcase for horseracing, but also a chance to lend a helping hand to those in need. This year’s main beneficiary was The Earth Centre, a charitable organization that provides equine therapy to the disabled, vulnerable, and disadvantaged. Mike Wittstock presented the group with a check for R100,000 to continue their incredible and much-needed work. The Hamlet School for intellectually disabled children and the United Cerebral Palsy Association of South Africa were also awarded R50,000 each to help support their efforts.

Natalie Turner, the CEO of the Racehorse Owners Association, was thrilled with the results of this year’s event. “This has been one of the best Royal Racedays to date. From the fashion to the spectacular racing, and all topped off with the spirit of charity,” she said. “We raised more funds for charity than expected this year, and we would like to thank Mr. Wittstock and the Monaco Sport of Kings group of businessmen who have been supporting us in making this special race day a success for over 10 years.”

Natalie Turner - CEO of the Racehorse Owners Association- and Darrell Hall - Owner of YACHTZOO

Natalie Turner – CEO of the Racehorse Owners Association- and Darrell Hall – Owner of YACHTZOO

The connection between horseracing and charitable causes is not a new one. In fact, many organizations have used the popularity of this sport to raise funds to help those in need. The Monaco Sport of Kings group is just one example of how people can come together to support both a beloved pastime and charitable causes. It’s a win-win situation for all involved.

Equine therapy, for example, has been shown to have many benefits for those struggling with a variety of physical and mental health issues. The Earth Centre is just one organization that recognizes the power of horse-human interactions and uses it to help better the lives of others. The Monaco Sport of Kings group’s contribution is just one step in helping such initiatives continue to thrive.

While the event may have been focused on horseracing, it was also an opportunity to showcase the beauty and diversity of South Africa. Spectators had the chance to enjoy fantastic racing, while also soaking up the scenery and the incredible character of the country. It’s experiences like these that make the sport of horseracing so appealing to a wide range of people.

Charitable giving has long been an important part of the horseracing world. From supporting local charities to sponsoring research into equine health, many organizations have used their passion for the sport to make a difference in the world. It’s a reminder that we can all do our part to make a positive impact, no matter what our interests may be.

The Monaco Sport of Kings group’s involvement in the Royal Race Day in South Africa is just one example of how people can come together to support a worthwhile cause. By embracing the sport of horseracing and the good that can come from charitable giving, we can make a real difference in the world. It’s a reminder that we should never underestimate the power of community and the things that we can achieve when we work together towards a common goal.

To get involved, or find out more, contact us now.

Equine therapy at the Earth Centre in South Africa

Equine therapy at the Earth Centre in South Africa

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